Betty Pulkingham
Text William A. Percy, 1942
Voicing SATB, kybd.
Topics Peace of God
Lectionary usage Epiphany 5C
Scripture references Matthew 4:18-22, Luke 5:1-11
Price $2.00 (U.S.)
Length 2' 35" Released 9/1993
Catalog no. 420-855
Difficulty Mod. diff
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A timeless folk-like setting of a wonderful text. It is a moving piece and particularly effective in conveying the emotional power of the text.
They cast their nets in Galilee
just off the hills of brown;
such happy, simple fisherfolk,
before the Lord came down.
Contented, peaceful fishermen,
before they ever knew the peace of God
hath filled their hearts brimful,
and broke them too.
Young John who trimmed the flapping sail,
homeless, in Patmos died.
Peter, who hauled the teeming net,
head down, down, down, down.
The peace of God, it is no peace,
but strife, strife, closed in the sod.
Yet let us pray for but one thing
the marvelous peace of God.
Text: William A. Percy, 1942, © William Percy.
Used by permission of Leroy Prett Percy.

"Russell Schulz-Widmar, writing in Vol. 1 of the Companion to The Hymnal 1982 (p. 624), cites Fisherfolk as one of Pulkingham's most effective tunes. This arrangement, though in a hymn-anthem format, does not involve a congregation in singing the tune, and the choir departs from it. There is some divisi." -AAM Journal
"The Fisherfolk would probably sound best with a rousing accompaniment. It is a lively setting of the familiar hymn tune. While the harmonies are contemporary, the music is not difficult." -Modern Liturgy, May 1994 |