Sam Batt Owens
Text Revelation 7
Voicing Two-part mixed choir, organ
Lectionary usage All Saints Day
Price $2.25 (U.S.)
Length 4' 00" Released 1/01
Catalog no. 420-784
Difficulty Mod. easy
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This was one of the late Sam Batt Owens' last compositions, and appropriately enough, is a splendid anthem for All Saints' Day or for general use. Its text, based on Revelation 7, is the traditional antiphon for the feast of All Saints. The vocal lines are particularly gratifying to sing, and make frequent and effective use of chantlike melismas.

Anthem text
O how glorious is the kingdom.
where all the saints rejoice with Christ.
Clothed in white robes they follow the Lamb wherever he goes.
O how glorious. Alleluia.
--from Revelation 7