Richard Proulx
Text George Herbert
Voicing SATB, organ, trumpet
Lectionary usage Easter
Price $2.75 (U.S.)
Length 2' 30" Released 1/94
Catalog no. 418-601
Difficulty Mod. easy
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An important setting of this most familiar of George Herbert's texts. Proulx gives the organist and trumpeter most of the work. This piece is easily rehearsed by a choir (even a small choir: it is set mainly in two parts). Bb Trumpet part included. Download C Trumpet part here.
Let all the world in ev'ry corner sing,
my God and King!
The heavens are not too high,
his praises there may fly;
the earth is not too low,
his praises there may grow.
Let all the world in ev'ry corner sing,
my God and King!
The church with psalms must shout,
no door can keep them out;
but above all, the heart must bear the longest part.
Let all the world, in ev'ry corner sing,
my God, and King.
Text: George Herbert, 1633

"Herbert's Let All the World usually calls to mind the Vaughan Williams setting in the Five Mystical Songs. In my opinion this setting by Proulx, written in 1993, is its equal. The writing in general is brilliant and perfectly suited to this text, with some quasi-canonic writing, vigorous trumpet calls, and, most interesting of all, flashes and echos of Debussy in his use of the whole-tone scale in some passages. The trumpet is obligatory, and the part is included in the choral copy. Though a four part choir is necessary, they are usually not in four actual parts: the men are often in unison, and there is much two and three part writing for the voices, often seemingly imitative of brass instrumental writing. The vigorous organ part (though certainly easier than the Vaughan Williams!) would need an adept player; the choral parts are not that difficult, and the piece would be accessible to many parish choirs. Besides being as good as the Vaughan Williams, this piece is also as fine as Kenneth Leighton's anthem setting (NOVELLO), and would be good for those choirs which cannot manage that piece, or want a fresh, new setting of this wonderful text. It is good to have a top quality modern American choral setting of these words. One of Selah's best publications, it should be sung widely. Very highly recommended." --AAM Journal, Sept. 1994.
"Finally, there is Richard Proulx's festival setting of the familiar Antiphon ('Let all the world in ev'ry corner sing'). Though neither the organ part nor the solo trumpet line is for the faint-of-heart, both are very well written. The choral parts, however, are ideal for a hard-working, busy choir which needs impressive repertoire, but which rarely has enough rehearsal time (how familiar does that sound?). Difficult pitch entries are well prepared by the accompaniment and places where intonation might otherwise be dicey are well supported. The perpetual motion of the organ, the trading of solo motifs among forces (including the pedal line!), and occasional whole-tone scales unite to produce a spinning, glistening, cosmic sound which comes to a memorable final cadence." --AAM Journal, Dec. 1994 |