Joel Martinson
Text Agnus Dei/Cordero de Dios
Voicing Two-part mixed, kbyd. or guitar
Topics Grace Church Season Lent
Length 1' 10" Price $1.25 (U.S.)
Released 7/95 Catalog no. 410-916
Difficulty Easy
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Min. of 5
The Agnus Dei from Martinson's Missa Guadalupe. This is excerpted from the full mass and duplicates what appears in those scores. Sung in both Spanish and/or Latin. May be accompanied by guitar. Optional descant.
Anthem text
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi:
miserere nobis, misserere nobis,
miserere nobis, miserere nobis.
Cordero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo,
ten piedad de nosotros, tenpiedad de nosotros,
ten piedad de nosotros, ten piedad de nosotros.

"Attractive setting of the 'Lamb of God,' in Latin and Spanish, from the composer's Missa Guadalupe. Easy." Cross Accent, January 1996
"Perfect for SSA! If you've contemplated starting a treble choir, this selection may be just that extra nudge you need. Suggested use is soprano/tenor on melody, alto/bass harmony, descant for soprano or C instrument. Latin and Spanish texts are given. This is very usable service music that is pleasing for the listener and an avenue for expression for the singer." Worship Arts, May-June, 1996 |