Don Pearson
Text Carl P. Daw, Jr.
Voicing Unison/two-part, organ
Topic Praise and Adoration, Music
Scripture references Psalm 149
Length 3' 40" Price $2.25 (U.S.)
Released 12/97
Catalog no. 410-849
Difficulty Mod. easy
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A wonderfully exuberant setting of Carl Daw's paraphrase of Psalm 149 for unison or two-part choir. Young singers will love its jazzy syncopations, and organists will delight in the playful, extroverted accompaniment.
Anthem text
O sing to the Lord with hymns newly made;
with all who rejoice lift up a new song:
for God gives us life and hold us in love.
Sing hallelujah! Sing halellujah! Sing hallelujah!
Let instruments sound as melodies soar;
with movement and dance give praise to the Lord:
for God will reward the faithful with joy.
Sing hallelujah! Sing hallelujah! Sing hallelujah!
Go forth with God's praise like balm in your throat;
with peace in your heart go into the world:
for God gives us strength beyond human power.
Sing hallelujah! Sing hallelujah! Sing hallelujah!
Text: Carl P. Daw, Jr., 1996, based on Psalm 149.
©1996 Hope Publishing Co., Carol Stream, Ill. 60188 (for permission to reprint this text contact Hope at 800.323.1049-www.hopepublishing.com). All rights reserved.

"Written for a Diocesan Choir Camp, O Sing to the Lord is a bright, energetic setting of Psalm 149. Alternating 7/8 and 4/4 meters and D-Major tonality throughout add to the joy and excitement of this work. The vocal writing is in the soprano range, with the melody climbing to a2 (there are optional lower notes). Because the melody is singable and contains a great deal of repetition, a teen choir can learn this piece quickly. Toward the end of the piece there is an opportunity for imitative, two-part harmony. The accompaniment, which is best suited for the organ, is moderately difficult and lends good support to the voices." --Choral Journal, December 1999 |