Curt Oliver
Text Richard Leach
Voicing Two-part T.B. chorus, kybd.
Topic Miracles
Scripture reference John 21:11
Length 1' 30" Price $1.95 (U.S.)
Released 1/01
Catalog no. 410-646
Difficulty Mod. easy
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Min. of 3
Anthem text
We fished all night for nothing,
then heard a voice from shore
say "Cast again"; and we hauled in
more than we'd ever caught before:
Twelve dozen fish and nine,
in our fishing net;
twelve dozen fish and nine,
slippery, shimmering, wet.
Twelve fish for each of the twelve,
three fish for each of the Three,
twelve dozen fish and nine,
from the Easter sea! Hey!
We twelve deserted Jesus,
the temple curtain tore;
but God redeemed our little faith
to multiply it more and more:
God gives a boat for sailing,
and Jesus gives a mast,
and Holy Spirit is the wind
that blows to bring us home at last.
--Richard Leach
© 2008 Selah Publishing Co., Inc., www.selahpub.com All rights reserved.

Richard Leach's song of the apostles,
set as a vigorous sea-chanty for men's chorus by Curt Oliver.
A strikingly dramatic interpretaion of Jesus' miracle described
in John 21:11 ("Simon Peter climbed aboard and dragged the
net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so
many, the net was not torn"). |