George Herbert series

This listing shows the anthems commissioned to celebrate the 400th birthday of the English mystical poet George Herbert in 1993.
The Call (White, SATB and organ, 418-606, Mod. easy)
New! Come, My Way, My Truth (Craig Phillips, SATB a cappella, 418-620, Mod. diif.)
The God of Love My Shepherd Is (Hopp, SATB and organ, 418-617, Mod. diff.)
King of Glory (Hurd, SATB and organ, 418-622, Mod. diff.)
King of Glory, King of Peace (Walker/Brewer, Mixed voices, organ, opt. cong., 418-609, Easy)
L'Envoy: King of Glory, King of Peace (Fedak, SATB and organ, 418-611, Mod. diff.)
Let All the World (Proulx, SATB and organ, tpt., 418-601, Mod. easy)
Lord, You Have Formed Me (Hopson, SATB, soloist, and organ, 418-616, Mod. easy)
Love Bade Me Welcome (Hurd, SATB, 418-610, Mod. diff.)
Paradise (Lovelace, SATB, 418-612, Mod. diff.)
Praise (Doran, SATB and keyboard, 418-613, Mod. diff.)
Teach Me, My God and King (Elixir) (Mitchell-Wallace, SATB, keyboard, 418-618, Mod. diff.)
New! The Windows (Alan Lewis, SATB, 418-618, Mod. diff.)