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Choral titles for university choirs or exceptional church choirs
This listing shows the most challenging anthems for those choirs with the resources and skills to master them. Many of these anthems have already been performed in concert situations and have been well-received.
New! A New Day (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, kybd., 420-220, Mod. easy)
New! Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (Stephanie Martin, SATB double chorus a cappella , 410-435, Diff.)
New! Psalm 90 (Phillips, SATB, organ, brass quintet, timp., 415-190, Mod. diff.)
New! With a Shining Like the Sun (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, opt. brass quintet, timp., and cong., 415-925, Difficult) Ave Verum Corpus , (K. Lee Scott, SATB, opt. kybd., 410-416, Mod. diff.)
The Oxen (Stephen Barr, SATB, Clarinet/English hn., 405-266, Mod. diff.)
Go Down, Moses (Spiritual, arr. David W. Music, SATB, bar. solo, 420-618, Mod. diff.)
O God of Peace (Christopher Putnam, SATB, 410-667, Mod. diff.)
King of Glory (Hurd, SATB and organ, 418-622, Mod. diff.)
Most High, Omnipotent (Craig Phillips, SATB, organ, 410-629, Diff.)
Valediction (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, 440-832, Mod. diff.)
Wayfaring Stranger (Parker, SATB a capella , mezzo-soprano solo, 420-796, Mod. diff.)
Music Vibrates in the Memory (Starer, SATB, flute and guitar or piano, 222-401, Mod. diff.)
Our Holy Tribute, This (White, SATB, 410-627, Difficult)
How Grandeur of Creation (Phillips, SATB, organ, opt. string quartet, 410-639, Difficult)
O Love That Will Not Let Me Go (Wetzler, SATB a cappella and solo, 410-604, Mod. diff.)
O Magnum Mysterium (White, SATB a cappella, 405-219, Diff.)
Sorrow and Gladness (Parker, SATB, 410-679, Mod. diff.)
L'Envoy: King of Glory, King of Peace (Fedak, SATB and organ, 418-611, Mod. diff.)
Paradise (Lovelace, SATB, 418-612, Mod. diff.)
Sweet Jesu, King of Bliss (Witherup, SATB, 420-931, Mod. diff)
Kyrie in F Major (Sedio, SATB and organ, 410-921, Mod. diff.)
Alleluia (White, SSAATTBB, 410-931, Difficult)
Gloria (from Missa Guadalupe) (Martinson, SATB, cong., organ, opt. brass quintet and timpani, 410-845, Mod. diff.)
Psalms, canticles, and settings of scripture
Amarillo Canticles, The (Magnificat and Nunc dimittis) (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 410-944, Difficult)
The Austin Canticles (Fedak, SATB, organ, 410-925, Mod. difficult)
Behold Now, Bless the Lord (Fedak, SATB, organ, 410-888, Diff.)
Benedictus Dominus Deus (Song of Zechariah) (Craig Phillips, SATB and organ, 410-887, Difficult)
Jubilate (Psalm 100) (White, SATB and organ, 410-810, Difficult)
New! Missa Brevis: Tongues of Fire (Cecilia McDowall, SATB, organ, 410-962, Diff.)
New! O Nata Lux (Annabel Rooney, SATB a cappella , 405-320, Mod. diff.)
O Send Out Thy Light (Spencer B. Schuldt, SSAATTBB, 410-831, Mod. diff.)
Our Help Comes From the Lord (White, SATB, brass quintet, and organ, 410-663, Difficult)
Psalm 100 (Mendelssohn/VanCamp, SATB and soloists/semi-chorus, 410-801, Difficult)
Set Me As a Seal (White, SATB, kybd., 410-528, Mod. diff.)
The 23rd Psalm (Engquist, SATB, soloist, organ, opt. handbells, 410-811, Difficult)
Tell Out My Soul (Hurd, SATB and organ, 410-882, Mod. diff.)
Te Deum (David Ashley White, SATB, organ 410-935 Difficult)
Festival Magnificat (Proulx, SATB and organ, 410-866, Difficult)
And the Word Became Flesh (Martinson, SATB, 410-541, Mod. diff.)
For God So Loved (Martinson, SATB, 410-546, Mod. diff.)
The Peace of Christ (Lovelace, SATB, opt. keyboard, 410-553, Mod. diff.)
Let Us Then with Confidence (Martinson, SATB, 410-569, Mod. diff.)