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Faith and Hope Triumphant

Ronald A. Nelson
Text Phillip Brooks, alt.
SATB keyboard
Topics Easter, Resurrection
1' 40" Price $1.75 (U.S.) Released 1/03
Catalog no. 405-560 Difficulty Mod. easy

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"There is a nice variety of unison and four-part choral work, with each of three stanzas of Phillip Brooks text ending with the last two phrases of 'Dix.' A good accompaniment [which] is just as effective on the organ." --The American Organist, February 2006

A short but concentrated Easter anthem in ABA form, featuring driving rhythms and angular lines flanking a quiet a cappella middle section. Elements of the familiar hymntune DIX appear throughout the piece, which ends in a fortissimo climax.

Tomb, you shall not hold him longer:
death is strong, but life is stronger;
stronger than the dark, the ligh;
stranger than the wrong, the right;
faith and hope triumphant say,
"Christ will rise on Easter Day!"

While the patient earth lies waking
till the morning shall be breaking,
shudd'ring 'neath the burden dread
of her Master, cold and dead,
hark! she hears the angels say,
"Christ will rise on Easter Day!"

When the sunrise smites the mountains,
pouring light from heav'nly fountains,
then the earth blooms out to greet
once again the blessed feet;
and her countless voices say,
"Christ has ris'n Easter Day!"

--Phillip Brooks, alt.

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