Benjamin Hutto
Benjamin Hutto is currently the Director of Choral Activities at St. Alban's School for Boys and the National Cathedral School for Girls in Washington, D.C. Since 1991 he has been Chair of the Children's Training Courses Committee of the Royal School of Church Music in America (RSCM). For many years he was an instructor and the Director of Choral Music at the Porter-Gaud School in Charleston, S.C., and was the organist and choirmaster at Cathedral of St. Luke and St. Paul in Charleston, and Christ Church in Charlotte, N.C. He has written several Anglican chants for The Hymnal 1982, and anthems.
Hutto was born in Charleston, S.C., in 1947. He received a B.A. in English from Emory University in Atlanta and did further studies at Westminster Choir College and the Royal School of Church Music in England. In 1989 he completed the Education for Ministry Program at the School of Theology at the University of the South. He was President of the Association of Anglican Musicians from 1988-1989 and is active in community service organizations.