And Jesus Said
Parables in Song

Editors Richard Leach and David Schaap
Released 5/09
Catalog no. 125-360
Price $19.50 (U.S.)
6"x9", 74 pp., 55 hymns, spiral-bound
ISBN 0-9677408-1-9

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"After the 'hymn explosion' of the past generation, often based closely on Scripture, we are witnessing an even deeper 'explosion' of new lyrics that rise directly from Scripture itself. This excellent collection of texts by many of the best writers of our day illumine anew Jesus' teaching on what 'the kingdom of God is like.'" -- Emily Brink, a Senior Research Fellow of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

"With the advent of the Eucharistic Three Year Lectionary (recently revised), the Biblical resources for the Liturgy of the Word were vastly enriched. However, with this came a very obvious need for additional hymnody, responding to the wide expanse of Biblical themes found in these readings. Fortunately, this need has been addressed over the years by the enthusiastic response of English-speaking poets around the world. The contents of recently revised denominational hymnals and hymnal supplements reflect their work.

Most recent of these supplements is And Jesus Said: Parables in Song edited by Richard Leach and David P. Schaap. Fifty-five entries by nine poets, with tunes by 24 composers and arrangers, include texts by Rae E. Whitney and Carl Davw and tunes by Russell Schulz, David Ashley White, and Rae Whitney, to name only a few. Prominent among their works are fresh arrangements of 18th and 19th-century American folk hymn tunes and folk tunes from England, Ireland, Latvia, Norway, and Scotland. A comprehensive index of scriptural references will greatly assist in the integration of these new works into the liturgy.” Ray Glover, Journal of the Association of Anglican Musicians, April 2009.

The Hymn, Autumn 2009
"According to its introduction, this book was published to meet the need for hymns based on the parables of Jesus, especially in light of the widespread us of the Revised Common Lectionary which includes more than two dozen parables in the course of its three-year cycle. The 55 hymns in this soft-cover, spiral-bound volume were written by seven contemporary authors, except for one African American spiritual and one hymn that includes two stanzas by Isaac Watts. Twenty-six of the texts are by coeditor Richard Leach. Forty of the hymns have copyright dates earlier than 2008, implying previous publication. Only eight of the tunes or texts are copyrighted by a publisher other than Selah.

The small number of poets represented, however, does not result in a lack of variety in this collection. The poems are written in 32 different meters, plus six classified as 'irregular.' The music comes from 40 different composers or sources and no tune is used more than once. Three hymns are each set to two different tunes. Two of the tunes are provided with descants for C instruments. Most of the tunes are recently composed, although the collection includes such classics as BUNESSAN, DETROIT, DOVE OF PEACE, MORNING SONG, ELLACOMBE, CHARLESTON, LAND OF REST, RESTORATION, YE BANKS AND BRAES, RHOSYMEDRE, and the English folk tune BARBARA ALLEN. Some of the hymns are especially suitable for children, such as 'A Sower Went Forth,' 'Help Me, Hlep Me, Help Me' (based on the parable of the Good Samaritan), 'Shepherd, Shepherd (based on the three parables in Luke 15), and 'My Elder Son, Go Work Today.'

Possibilties for creative singing immediately come to mind. For example, 'A Sower's Seed Fell on the Path' has four verses describing the various types of soil in the parable of the sower. Each verse ends with the refrain, 'Lord, give us ears to hear your Word and hearts where seed can grow.' Four soloists could sing each of the four verses and the congregation could sing the refrain. Antiphonal singing between two groups or between a soloist and the congregation would highlight the dialogues in 'What Did You Find' (based on the parable of the treasure in the field), 'Shepherd, Shepherd,' and 'My Elder Son, Go Work Today.'

In addition to the scriptural index (almost mandatory, given the stated purpose of this collection!), the book also includes a lectionary index so that worship planners can easily identify when in the three-year cycle a particular hymn might be especially appropriate, as well as the usual indexes of authors, composers, tunes, meters, and first lines.

Because most of the hymns in this collection may be used by congregations enrolled in the CCLI, LicenSing, or programs, these hymns can provide a helpful supplement to a congregation's repertoire." --The Hymn, Autumn 2009


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