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Love Is of God

Composer Alice Parker
Text James Quinn
SATB and organ
Topics Christian Life, Communion, Joy, Light,
Love (God's to us), Marriage, Peace (Inner)
4' 00" Price $2.00 (U.S.) Released 2/00
Catalog no. 410-696 Difficulty Moderately difficult

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"The organ part, on two staves, is easy with brief solo sections between the choral statements. As is often the case with Parker, the structure of the poetry dominates the musical setting. James Quinn's poem is composed of two-line statements and Parker's music enhances those patterns by having the statements use their own material followed by a brief organ connection." -Diapason, May 2000

A sensitive, through-composed setting of James Quinn's lovely strophic text. Alice Parker's music reflects every nuance of the beautiful, almost mystical words. While neither the choral nor organ parts are difficult, a mature and thoughtful approach to interpretation is called for--such effort will be amply rewarded.

Love is of God; in love his love is known;
in those who love, the love of God is shown.

Joy is of God, in whom all joy is found;
in Christ our joy the joys of heav'n abound.

Peace is of God; like gentlest dew he sends
his peace on those whom love has made his friends.

Light is of God; whoever walks in light
has Christ beside him through the darkest night.

Glory is theirs in whom the Spirit dwells,
whose light all light, whose love all love excels.

Love is of God; in love his love is known;
in those who love the love of God is shown.

--James Quinn, S.J., ©. Selah Publishing Co., Inc., North American agent.

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