Without the Fire David Ashley White

Composer David Ashley White
Text Rae E. Whitney
Voicing SATB, organ
Topics Faith, Christian Life
$2.00 (U.S.)
Length 2' 00" Released 5/93
Catalog no. 410-275
Difficulty Mod. easy

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Whitney's text (based on a few lines from Thomas á Kempis) reflects on what we would be missing if there were no faith or resurrection. White captures the flow and rhythm of this fine hymn text in another of his elegant settings.

Anthem text
Without the Fire, there is no Burning,
without the Teacher, there's no Learning,
without the the Shepherd, no safe Keeping,
without the Sower, there's no Reaping.

Without the Judge, there is no Pleading,
without the Bread, no heav'nly Feeding,
without the Vine, no holy Drinking,
without the Mind, no Christly Thinking.

Without the Way, there is no Going,
without the Truth, no inward Knowing,
without the Life, there is no Living.
Without the Cross, no full Forgiving.

Without the Grave, no Resurrecting,
without the Light, no Love's Reflecting,
without the Vision, no clear Dreaming,
without the Savior, no Redeeming.

Text: Rae E. Whitney, based on a few line by Thomas á Kempis,
© 1991 Selah Publishing Co., Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa., 15227

review copy

"This is an example of fine SATB writing. A beautiful melody, lush harmonies and changing meters of 4/2 to 3/2 that fit the rhythm of the words create a powerful message. The unison and SATB sections offer a good balance of texture. The text is appropriate at Pentecost, Lent, Communion and general services. After a long search for a good new Pentecost anthem, this one gets my vote."--Worship Arts, March/April 1994

"David Ashley White's setting of Without the Fire looks a lot like these other two [Triune God, Threefold Truth], but it is for choir only. Don't let this cause you to miss looking at it; with his usual gift for elegant understatement, White makes a powerful case for the text and in so doing enriches both it and those who encounter White's vision of it." --AAM Journal, April 1995


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