Composer Alfred V. Fedak
Text: Carl P. Daw, Jr.
Voicing SATB and keyboard
Church Season Christmas
Length 3' 25" Price $2.50 (U.S.)
Released 6/92
Catalog no. 405-214 Difficulty Mod. easy
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Catalog no. 405-213
Voicing SAB and keyboard
Price $1.75
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Min. of 4
This exquisite anthem will quickly become a staple in your Christmas repertoire. It begins with a solo baritone (or all baritones) and moves into two-part and then four-part harmony. In the middle of the piece, a solo soprano introduces a contrasting melodic line, and the piece returns to the original melody in strong and deliberate four-part harmony. Fedak's rich and expressive style is in great evidence here.
Anthem Text
When God's time had ripened,
Mary's womb bore fruit,
scion of the Godhead,
sprung from Jesse's root:
so the True Vine branches
from the lily's stem,
the Rose without blemish
blooms in Bethlehem.
More than mind can fathom,
limit or untwine,
this mysterious yoking,
human and divine,
but what reason fetters
faith at length unlocks,
and wise hearts discover
truth in paradox.
As the Bread of heaven,
that we might be fed,
chose a manger cradle
in the House of Bread,
so has Life Eternal
mingled in the womb
with our mortal nature
to confound the tomb.
For this swaddled infant
in a humble place
holds our hope of glory
and our means of grace;
in the Love enfleshed
here dawns the world's rebirth,
promise of salvation,
pledge of peace on earth.
Text: Carl P. Daw, Jr.,
©1990 Hope Publishing Co., Carol Stream, Ill. 60188 (for permission to reprint this text contact Hope at 800.323.1049-www.hopepublishing.com). All rights reserved.
"The piece has an absolutely beautiful tune (Fedak's ROSE OF BETHLEHEM, composed in 1990), and imaginative, ingratiating choral part-writing, reminiscent of Rutter at his very best (and including a bass part which is occasionally independent rather than slavishly doubling the organ pedals!). The accompaniment is easy yet interesting. Not the least part of the beauty of the piece is the wonderful text by Carl P. Daw, to whom it is also dedicated. In general it is easy but of substance, and gives a feeling of quiet rapture and ecstasy, somewhat like Rutter's WHAT SWEETER MUSIC. It reminds one of the best of the pop composers, such as Bernstein or Sondheim. I cannot recommend the piece highly enough. It's one of those pieces a choir and congregation instantly love-a sure winner!"--Journal of The Association of Anglican Musicians, Jan./Feb. 93
"Recommended"--The American Organist 4/93
"An original carol with poetic beauty and theological challenge is linked to a lyrical original melody written in the style of the lovely carol settings by John Rutter and Andrew Carter. This arrangement uses direct canon, simple four-part harmony, and a solo soprano in a manner accessible to many youth choirs, yet also interesting for adults. A wonderful new carol for churches in any denomination. Daw's text is pithy and interesting, but it is Fedak's music that will make this a new favorite of many congregations." --Creator, Sept/Oct '93