William C. Witherup
William Witherup was the organist and choir master at Christ Episcopal Church in Meadville, Pa. Previously, he worked for the Crawford Central School District and Stone United Methodist Church, both also in Meadville. His first work was published in 1980 and he had several choral and handbell pieces published by Selah.
Witherup was born in Meadville, Pa., in 1944, and died there in 2020. He received a B.S. and M. Ed. in Music Education from Indiana University in Pennsylvania. He did post-graduate work at Carnegie-Mellon University and a Summer Overseas Course at The Royal School of Church Music, in Croydon, England. He was a Fellow of the American Guild of Organists.
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Choral octavos
An Irish Blessing (Unison/SATB, and keyboard or guitar, 410-132, Easy)
Give Me Jesus (SATB, 420-507)
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (Witherup, Two-part, two inst., organ, 420-451, Mod. easy)
New! I See His Blood upon the Rose (Wm. C. Witherup, SATB a cappella, flute, 420-417, Mod. easy)
King Jesus Hath a Garden (Witherup, SATB, organ, 420-788, Mod. easy)
New! The King Shall Come (Wm. C. Witherup, SATB, organ, opt. handbells, 405-175, Mod. easy)
Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious (SATB and organ, 415-819, Mod. easy)
My Dancing Day (William Witherup, SATB, keyboard, 405-223, Mod. easy)
Now the Green Blade Riseth (Witherup, SATB, 405-548, Mod. easy)
Sweet Jesu, King of Bliss (SATB, 420-931)
New! There Is a Balm in Gilead (Wm. C. Witherup, Two-part, kybd., 420-673, Mod. easy)
What Wondrous Love Is This (Witherup, SAB, organ, 405-438, Mod. easy)
Carol of the Bells (3 octaves, 26 bells, Level 4)