Isaac Watts
The son of a Congregationalist minister, Watts was born in 1674 in Southampton, England. He followed his father into the ministry, accepting appointment to Mark Lane Chapel in London in 1702. His health broke soon after, forcing Watts to retire from public life. Until his death in 1748, he fulfilled ministerial duties as possible and devoted much time to study and writing. His books gained him wide repute, but Watts regarded his hymns as his most enduring contribution to the church.
Choral octavos
New! Come, Let Us Join (Alice Parker, SATB, organ, opt. cong., 425-856, Mod. diff.)
New! From All That Dwell (Hal H. Hopson, SAB, organ, opt. tpt. & bells, opt. cong., 425-850, Mod. easy)
New! Jesus Shall Reign & I Know That (Edwin T. Childs, SATB, organ, brass quintet, timp., opt. cong., 425-401, Mod. easy)
New! When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Alfred V. Fedak, Two-part, kybd., opt. treble inst., opt. cong., 425-350, Mod. easy) |