Composer Craig Phillips
Price $17.50 (U.S.) Released 5/01
Difficulty Moderately difficult
Catalog no. 160-640
Discography A Festival Song: The Music of Craig Phillips (All Saints' Episcopal Church, Beverly Hills, Calif., Tom Foster, cond.)
Sinfonia Festiva (Summit-DCD436), Paul Skevington, organist
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A joyous piece for service or recitals. Playable on most any organ, but most effective on instruments with a big solo trumpet, preferably en chamade! Oblong format.
"This is possibly the finest single organ piece I have seen from Craig. It features an angular and arpeggiated trumpet melody, alternating with fanfare-like chords and rhythms, with a contrasting B section almost pastoral in nature. A big solo trumpet stop is desirable though not essential. As with much of Craig's organ music, it takes unexpected yet fresh and welcome turns. This excellent piece sounds more difficult than it really is, and should have many performances in both services and recitals." --AAM Journal, September 2001
"Okay all you organists who have Trompettes en chamade on your instruments--here is a superb new piece guaranteed to challenge you while showing off your Hosanna Horns! Starting with a short, syncopated motive, this work takes the listener through aseries of dialogues in a variety of keys. Rhythmic subdivisions vary throughout the work, generating interest for the listener, particularly when combined with the opening motive. Obviously, the piece will be most effective on an organ with an en chamade, but if one possesses a good solo Trumpet, the piece will still be successful. Difficult, but well worth the effort. Highly recommended." --Cross Accent, Fall 2001