Composer Various
Released 7/16
Use Voluntaries
Difficulty Mod. easy to Diff.
Catalog no. 160-616
Price $60 (U.S.)
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This distinctive new collection of organ music for the liturgical year was commissioned for the 2016 National Convention of the American Guild of Organists in Houston. The title refers to J. S. Bach’s volume of chorale-based organ works and Houston’s Gulf Coast waterways. Realizing that newer hymn tunes often lacked chorale preludes, the convention’s new music committee decided that each piece in this collection would be based on a hymn tune composed since 1960. The works chosen are a combination of pieces commissioned by the convention and pieces selected from an open “call for scores.”
Commissioned composers
Chelsea Chen (Bethold)
David Dahl (Dunedin)
Nancy Galbraith (Mississippi)
Anne Roberts (Seed, Scattered and Sown)
Aaron David Miller (Rejoice, Rejoice)
Rebecca Groom te Velde (Judas and Mary)
All Composers
Adams, Robert Train
Chen, Chelsea
Cheung, Hon Ki
Corl, Matthew
Cornelius-Bates, Benjamin
Dahl, David
Draper, Ruth
Emmerich, Michael
Fielding, Thomas
Galbraith, Nancy
Hamilton, Gregory
Kull, Joyce
Miller, Aaron David
Mundinger, Louise
Portman, Brenda
Roberts, Anne
Sanders, Bernard Wayne
Strobel, Joyce Moon
Taylor, Larry
te Velde, Rebecca Groom
VerKuilen, Donald
White, Kathryn Sparks