Composer Matthew Corl
Price $12.50 (U.S.) Released 5/01
Church Season Easter
Difficulty Mod. easy-Mod. difficult
Catalog no. 160-312
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A great new resource for Easter, with three preludes that are short, snappy, imaginative, and colorful. Included is an energetic setting of William P. Rowan's tune JACKSON NEW ('Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna"), a festive Voluntary on "Thine Be the Glory" (JUDAS MACCABEUS), and a Partita on "Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing" (TRURO).
"If you are looking for some new music of easy to moderate difficulty for the upcoming Easter season then look at this group of three hymn tune preludes. Each is modest in length and full of energetic rhythm. Of the three settings, the first on William P. Rowan's tune JACKSON NEW will be the least familiar, but it is still fun to play with its syncopation. JUDAS MACCABEUS and TRURO are the other two hymn tunes in the collection, the latters set as a short partita. Highly recommended." --Cross Accent, Fall 2001
"Two of these tunes, William Rowan's JACKSON NEW and Handel's THINE BE THE GLORY, are not in The Hymnal 1982, but are worth using anyway as voluntaries. The last piece, a Partita on 'Christ Is Alive' (TRURO), is worth the price of the book." --AAM Journal