Soul Becomes a Song New and Selected Hymns by Richard Leach
Author Richard Leach Released 7/20 Catalog no. 125-432, spiral-bound Price $17.50 (U.S.)
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Description Here are Richard Leach's new hymn texts with new music, previously published texts with new music, and a selection of previously published texts with their original music, giving them a new chance to be seen and sung. Many of the texts are based on psalms. There are close paraphrases and more distant paraphrases. There are popular psalms such as 8 and 23, and the “difficult” Psalm 149. Psalm 120, not in the Revised Common Lectionary, becomes a strong song against war. Besides the psalm-based hymns, there are hymns for the Christian year and hymns on the ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The title of the collection comes from “As Her Soul Becomes a Song,” a new hymn on the Magnificat which is here in two settings. Two of those reappearing with their original settings are “Rise, My Song, and Stretch Your Wings” and “Over the Waves of Words,” two of Leach's personal favorites from his first words and music collection, Over the Waves of Words.
Settings by
Carson Cooman
Andrew Donaldson
João Faustini
Alfred V. Fedak
Amanda Husberg
Patrick Michaels
Thomas Pavlechko
Margaret Tucker
David Ashley White
They cover many topics and scripture passages, and the collection includes complete topical and lectionary indexes for planning purposes. (Download indexes here)