Women in the Night
William P. Rowan

Composer William P. Rowan
Text Brian Wren
Voicing SATB, organ, opt. cong.
Topics Women in ministry
Lectionary usage Epiphany
Price $2.95 (U.S.)
Length 3' 10" Released 5/93
Catalog no. 425-815
Difficulty Mod. diff.

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This concertato is subtitled "A hymn commemorating women in the ministry of Jesus." The moving text by Brian Wren tells the story of the many women who ministered to the needs of their Savior and set an example for us today in their unselfish actions. Rowan's lively and memorable setting will keep the choir and congregation singing the refrain throughout the week: "Come and join the song, women, children, men. Jesus makes us free to live again." Includes a congregational part that can be printed in the bulletin.

Woman in the night, spent from giving birth,
guard our precious light: peace is on the earth!
Come and join the song, women, children, men.
Jesus makes us free to live again.

Woman in the crowd, creeping up behind,
touching is allowed: seek and you will find!
Come and join the song, women, children, men.
Jesus makes us free to live again!

Woman at the well, question the messiah,
find your friends and tell, drink your hearts desire!
Come and join the song, women, children, men.
Jesus makes us free to live again!

Woman at the feast, let the righteous stare;
come and go in peace; love him with your hair!
Come and join the song, women, children, men.
Jesus makes us free to live again!

Woman in the house, nurtured to be meek,
leave your second place: listen, think, and speak!
Come and join the song, women, children, men.
Jesus makes us free to live again!

Woman on the road, welcomed and restored,
travel far and wide; witness to the Lord!
Come and join the song, women, children, men.
Jesus makes us free to live again!

Women on the hill, stand when men have fled!
Christ needs loving still, though your hope is dead.
Come and join the song, women, children, men.
Jesus makes us free to live again!

Women in the dawn, care and spices bring;
earliest to mourn; earliest to sing!
Come and join the song, women, children, men.
Jesus makes us free to live again!

Text: Brian Wren, 1982,
© 1983 Hope Publishing Co., Carol Stream, Ill. 60188 (for permission to reprint this text contact Hope at 800.323.1049-www.hopepublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

review copy

"Recommended"­The American Organist, 4/93

"This hymn 'commemorating women in the ministry of Jesus,' with a text by Brian Wren, is of great beauty. Rowan puts the text through its paces, with varied accompaniments for verses. These range from a capella choir and congregation to bold harmonizations to fugal imitations. He may overdo the right-hand triplets a bit, but the proper stop selection should keep these from becoming lugubrious. As striking as the accompaniment is, the text privileges this piece. Wren's paean of praise deserves to be heard again and again, as a celebration of woman's gifts to the church." ­Pastoral Music, August-September 1994.


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