If You Love One Another
Ronald A. Nelson

Composer Ronald A. Nelson
Text John 13:34, 35
Voicing Unison/two-part and keyboard
Lectionary usage Maundy Thursday ABC, Easter 5C
Topics Love
$1.95 (U.S.)
Length 1' 15" Released 6/96
Catalog no. 422-841
Difficulty Mod. easy

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Lots of sequence and repetition for an attractive anthem suitable even for lower elementary children. It has a subtly Mexican flavor, and the message, taken from scripture, is what children should be singing rather than insipid, cutesy texts.


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Anthem text
I give you a new commandment,
that you love one another,
that you have love for one another,
that you have love for all.
And by this ev'ryone will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another,
if you have love for all.

Text: John 13:34-35.


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