David Ashley White
Text John 3:16
Voicing SATB a cappella
Topic Love (God's)
Scripture reference John 3:16
Length 1' 40" Price $1.95 (U.S.)
Released 7/97
Catalog no. 410-516
Difficulty Mod. difficult
Discography Praise the Spirit: Sacred Music of David Ashley White (Gothic Records, 520-254)
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Min. of 5
restraint and understatement, David Ashley White has crafted
a powerfully moving setting of John 3:16-17. The a capella texture recalls the Distler motet of the same name, but the language
here is unique, with a stunning climax at the word "saved."
God so loved the world,
that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him
may not perish but may have eternal live.
God did not send the Son into the world
to condemn the world
but in order that the world might be saved through him,
God so loved the world,
that he gave his only Son.
Text: John 3:16-17
"David Ashley White's God
so loved the world may not cause your senior warden to forget
about Sir John Stainer, but it certainly does up the ante. This
is David at his organic best: the phrases simply grow out of
the text and out of each other in a compelling, convincing, transformative
way." -AAM Journal, January 1998 |