Into Jerusalem
Alfred V. Fedak

Composer Alfred V. Fedak
Text Carl P. Daw, Jr.
Voicing Two-part choir, organ/harp/keyboard
Church Season Holy Week, Palm Sunday, Good Friday
Length 3' 40" Price $2.25 (U.S.)
Released 1/00
Catalog no. 405-411
Difficulty Easy

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Based on a powerful text by Carl Daw, this haunting Palm Sunday anthem recounts the events of Holy Week in dramatic fashion. Utilizing the Native American hymn tune LACQUIPARLE, the work is scored for mixed voices in unison, harp and organ (or organ solo if no harpist is available). Alternatively, the harp part may be played on another keyboard instrument, especially one with a harp-like sound.

Into Jerusalem Jesus rode,
triumphant King acclaimed;
palm branches spread to honor his way,
garments laid down as tokens of praise;
shouts of "Hosanna" surged through the throng
into Jerusalem.

Within Jerusalem Jesus stood,
masquerade King reviled:
thorns made a crown (grim satire of truth),
robe like a wound thrown over his back;
echoes of "Crucify!" filled the air
within Jerusalem.

Outside Jerusalem Jesus hung,
crucified King despised;
wood formed a cross suspending his life,
soldiers cast lots to deal out his clothes;
his lonely cries: "My God"; "It is done"
outside Jerusalem.

--Carl P. Daw, Jr.

© 1990 Hope Publishing Co., Carol Stream, Ill. 60188 (for permission to reprint this text contact Hope at All rights reserved.


review copy

"Several works in this list are based on either traditional melodies or original melodies which evoke the folk genre. . .Alfred Fedak comes a close second with Into Jerusalem Jesus Rode, which puts Carl Daw's atmospheric Palm Sunday text to the Dakota hymn tune LACQUIPARLE ('Many and Great'). Fedak generally knows a good thing when he finds it, and his haunting setting is a perfect model of restraint. Don't let the harp part scare you off...there are many ways to make this jewel gleam." --AAM Journal, January 2001


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