Is a Murmuring Dove Nearby
David Ashley White

Composer David Ashley White
Text Richard Leach
Voicing SATB and organ
Church Season Christmas
Length 3' 05" Price $2.25 (U.S.)
Released 7/1999
Catalog no. 405-251
Difficulty Mod. easy

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Is a murmuring dove nearby as you sleep upon the hay?--
like the dove that you will see coming down from parting skies.
That day is far away, O child upon the hay,
but in the stable I can hear a murmuring dove.

Is a donkey standing near as you sleep upon the hay?--
like the donkey you will ride through the cheering pilgrim throng.
That day is far away, O child upon the hay,
but in the stable I can see a donkey stand.

Are the shadows deep and dark as you sleep upon the hay?--
like the darkness that will fall though the sun is overhead.
That day is far away, O child upon the hay,
but in the stable I can see the shadows dark.

Does the morning sun break in as you sleep upon the hay?--
like the sun of early dawn that reveals an empty tomb.
That day is far away, O child upon the hay,
but in the stable I can see the morning sun.

-Richard Leach.
© 1994 Selah Publishing Co., Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa., 15227. All rights reserved.


review copy

Dedicated to Richard Leach, the poet who crafted the text, this simple yet attractive Christmas anthem celebrates Christ's nativity as it foreshadows his life, ministry, sacrifice, and resurrection. A truly meaningful addition to a Christmas Eve service or a Festival of Lessons and Carols.


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