A Carol for Advent
Carl Schalk

Composer Carl Schalk
Text Rae E. Whitney
Voicing Unison, kybd., flute
Topic Advent, Biblical Names (Elizabeth, Gabriel, John the Baptist, Zechariah)
Price $2.00 (U.S.)
Length 2' 15" Released 12/13
Catalog no. 405-156
Difficulty Mod. easy

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Anthem text
Conceived in the autumn,
born at midsummer;
Priest Zechariah
and Elizabeth’s son;
promised by Gabriel,
there in the Temple,
John is Forerunner
of One soon to come.

Conceived in the springtime,
born in the winter,
first-born of Mary,
and son of the Lord;
promised by Gabriel,
welcomed by shepherds,
Jesus is Savior,
God’s Living Word!

Text: Rae E. Whitney, 1997, 1999
Topics: Biblical Names and Places (Elizabeth, Gabriel,
John the Baptist, Zechariah)

© 1999 Selah Publishing Co., Inc. www.selahpub.com

review copy

Description This easy and gentle Advent carol (to a text by Rae E. Whitney) is a very useful anthem for a December Sunday when choir rehearsal time is limited due to Christmas preparations. A unison melody is joined by a lyrical flute, providing interludes and a descant. The accompaniment can be played on organ or piano. Suitable for mixed choir, non-mixed choir, children’s voices, or a vocal solo—in any varied combination.

"Carl Schalk, a beloved fixture on the Lutheran music scene for a couple of generations, can still write a good tune. A Carol for Advent has a lovely, simple melody that will be easy for children to learn and appealing to their parents. The text by Rae E. Whitney includes a first stanza about John the Baptist and a second parallel stanza about Jesus. A flute part could be played easily by a competent high school musician. The wise children's choir director will be prepared to explain the first line, 'Conceived in the autumn.' " --Cross Accent, Fall/Winter 2017


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