Christ Is the Day
David Ashley White

Composer David Ashley White
Text Richard Leach
Voicing SATB, organ/kybd.
Topics Advent, Lighting Advent Candles
Lectionary usage Advent
Price $2.50 (U.S.)
Length 1' 55" Released 12/21
Catalog no. 405-120
Difficulty Mod. easy

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Hope is a candle, once lit by the prophets,
never consumed, though it burns through the years.
Dim in the daylight of power and privilege--
when they are gone, hope will shine on.

Peace is a candle to show us a pathway,
threatened by gusts from our rage and our greed.
Friend, feel no envy for those in the shadows--
violence and force their dead-end course.

Love is a candle whose light makes a circle,
where every face is the face of a friend.
Widen the circle by sharing and giving--
God’s holy dare: love everywhere.
Joy is a candle of mystery and laughter,
mystery of light that is born in the dark;
laughter at hearing the voice of an angel,
ever so near, casting out fear.

Christ is the light that the prophets awaited,
Christ is the lion, the lamb, and the child.
Christ is the love and the mystery and laughter--
candles, make way! Christ is the day.

--Richard Leach, 1994.
© 1996 Selah Publishing Co., Inc.

review copy

David Ashley White has paired the beautiful Scottish folk tune GALLOWAY TAM with an Advent text by Richard Leach. The piece begins and ends with Alleluias, and the four verses reflect the hope, peace, love, and joy themes that are frequently associated with the four weeks of Advent candles. Much of the anthem is scored in unison, making for easy preparation during a busy season. (The expressive "love" verse is set for SATB unaccompanied.)


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