Alfred V. Fedak
Text Nikolai Grundtvig, tr. Carl Doving
Voicing Two-part mixed choir, opt. cong., keyboard, opt. handbells
Topics Justice, Christian Life, The Church
Price $2.50 (U.S.)
Length 2' 00" Released 2/1995
Catalog no. 241-503
Difficulty Easy
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A hymn concertato that is fairly easy to put together. Only two-part voices required, and the optional handbells and optional congregational participation can add a great deal to the piece with little effort. Easy but substantial in its sound and harmonies..
Built on the Rock, the church shall stand,
even when steeples are falling.
Christ builds his church in every land;
bells still are chiming and calling,
calling the young and old to rest,
calling the souls of the distressed,
longing for life everlasting.
Not in a temple built with hands
God the Almighty is dwelling;
high in the heavens his temple stands,
all earthly temples excelling.
Yet he who dwells in heaven above
chooses to live with us in love,
making our bodies his temple.
We are God's house of living stones,
built for his own habitation;
he fills our hearts, his humble thrones,
granting us life and salvation.
Yet to this place, an earthly frame,
we come with thanks to praise his name;
God grants his people true blessing.
Text: Nikolai Grundvig, tr. Carol Doving, 1909, alt.
"Alfred V. Fedak's setting of the Scandinavian hymn Built on the Rock is a concertato of three stanzas. Some alterations have been made to the Doving translation, so it is fortunate that a congregational page is included. The choir divides into only two parts, and the two-octave handbell part is optional (but included in the choral score), making this publication accessible for those with smaller resources." -The Hymn, October 1995 |